Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 4

Today I want to talk about being hydrated. Remember that your body needs water! If you are nursing you need water even more. With the weather getting warmer we all have to turn our eyes to our water bottles.

I read a study that ice water helps you to lose more weight then cool water. The theory is that you burn more calories because your body has to warm the water up. In reality this is probably complete crap but since it costs nothing and requires no additional effort on my part, I'm game.

The Challenge:

Walk 3500 steps throughout the day.

Drink 2 or more bottles or large glasses of water. If you already do this keep up the good work. If not, It not only helps to hydrate you, it helps you drop pounds! As for the ice, I'll leave that up to you.

Baby Weight Lifting- Lay flat on your back with baby laying on your chest. Place your hands around baby and lift straight up into the air in front of you. Hold for a three count. Bring baby down for a kiss and then back up. Repeat 10 times. Please note if your baby is small, has poor head control or for any other reason should not be held like this do not do this move! If your baby is either too little, too big, or you don't have one you can use a bag of flour or sugar (hold the kisses though, lol).

10 sit-ups. (Are these finally starting to get a little easier? I don't know if it was just pregnancy or the C-section but my Abs were completely useless! They are slowly improving just by doing the few sit-ups! Amazing what so little can do!)

That's it! See you back here tomorrow!

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